Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Exploring William

OK, as may be obvious by my quiet, I have been spending a ton of time researching the past few days. Determined as I am to make my boys feel capable and loved and accepted, I am always fearful that I am making mistakes.  William has started ABA, he is in pretreatment, basically she has been seeing what he is capable of.  Its early yet, but I have a feeling in my gut that it isn't right for him. I don't know. I am waiting before I make any drastic decisions, but don't want to do nothing either.  So I decided the first thing I need to do is really get to know him. No one knows him better than me, but I really think I should break it down.  So I would always say he loves things that spin, now I'm gonna say He likes to watch things spin, like the ceiling fan. he also loves to spin the wheels on things like the stroller. I am going to edit this post all the time with observations, and hopefully those observations will someday give  me a bit more insight when put all together.
Here is my list of Williams awesomeness!

He loves things that spin, LOL.
Specific examples: He will often get lost spinning the wheels on toy cars. He loves to knock over my rolling toolbox so he can spin the wheel on it. He also knocks over the stroller and spins that wheel. Also, he loves pinwheels, though he wont blow it, you have to. When he was younger he spent a lot of time staring at the ceiling fan, this has lessened a bit

MUSIC: William loves music since day one, he responded to music when he wouldn't respond to anything else.
My favorite example:

Easter bunny phenomenon: At the family Easter party I noticed he stopped several times to stare at the Easter bunny decoration on the wall.  Also the neighbor downstairs has a Easter bunny head on the door, he has to stop and stare at when he gets off the bus before he will move up the stairs.

Dumping and filling: This boy loves to put stuff in stuff, he stuffs things in any bucket he can find, he stuffs toys down his shirt, he will then empty and repeat over and over again.  He loves his shape sorter and paintbrush activity and any activity that is similar.

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